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Written: 03/13/2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

A Little Snow Fairy Sugar

I wanted to go ahead and introduce you guys to a really cute anime series. I don't know how popular this show actually is, or how many people have heard of it, but it's a really cute and fun series.

A Little Snow Fairy Sugar is about a little fairy named Sugar and her friends, who go to earth to find something called a Twinkle. They want to be full-fledged season fairies so they have to find them. Unfortunately Sugar doesn't know what a twinkle is and soon her hunger gets the best of her. That's when she meets Saga, who kindly gives her a waffle. Soon Sugar is living with Saga and make her life harder, but certainly more interesting.

The show is cute and I do enjoy watching it. The anime is twenty-four episodes long and has two OVA series. If you want to watch something cute and non-threatening then you should really check this show out. 

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