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Written: 03/13/2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Strawberry Marshmallow

I'm sure that I've mentioned this series in my regular blog. This show is really cute and it's something I feel anyone could just relax with. It doesn't have a complicated storyline, it has some warm and touching moments and it's certainly worth checking out.

Strawberry Marshmallow is a slice-of-life, comedy anime staring Chika, her big sister Nobue, Miu, Matsuri and Ana's daily lives together. Whether it's baking, checking out Nobue's new job, or just spending most of their time in Chika's room, the girls are always together and causing mischief.

This show is twelve episodes long and there are two OVA series. The anime has been released through Geneon, unfortunately no one has attained the distribution rights to the OVAs. I'm hoping that will change in the near future. 

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